Here at Westlea Primary School we celebrate everybody’s successes, both in school and outside of school. We have a Celebration Assembly on Friday mornings where we find out who has been working hard through the previous week.
Star of the Week
Each week, the staff in each class choose a Star of the Week. During Celebration Assembly, the whole school get to hear what each child has done to earn the award.
Rights Respecting Award
Each week one child from each class is chosen for this award for displaying qualities related to our ‘right of the week’.
Attendance Trophy
Each week, the class from each Key Stage with the highest attendance receives the attendance trophy.
Class Points
Each class is awarded class points for whole class achievements. The class with the most points in each Key Stage are awarded with the class points dog.
Extra-curricular activities
We also like to celebrate children’s achievements outside of school. The children are invited to bring in their awards to show their friends and explain what they did to achieve them.