Welcome to our wonderful Year 5 class.
Mrs Dyer is the teacher.
We have swimming sessions on Mondays at a near by primary school.
We have P.E on a Tuesday. It is important for all children to have their full PE kit on this day.
We encourage all of the class to read for at least 20 minutes at home every night.
All children have a reading record which parents and children can write a comment about what they have read. This should come to school everyday to allow the teacher to sign and comment.
Children are provided with homework on a Friday and this is to be submitted on the date set (usually the following Friday).
Spellings are given out on a Monday morning and need to be practised for the spelling test the following Monday. The words used are directly linked to spelling rules and words highlighted in the national curriculum.
The children carry out a literacy and maths lesson every morning. We cover the curriculum by splitting the work into topics which cover Science, History and Geography.
Autumn term will see the class look at lots of exciting things like the Anglo Saxon, a journey around the world and looking into materials and their properties.
Spring Term will involve the children finding out about the planets in our solar system, why forests are important to us, the Vikings and feeling the force in Science.
Summer term will look at local history and our Science topics will consider our journey through life, life cycles of plants and animals and changes in humans .
DT, Music, R.E., Spanish, P.E., PSHCE and Art are completed through the rest of the
week on a rotation basis.