Here at Westlea Nursery we believe that every child deserves the best possible start to their educational life. We are committed to providing a warm, caring and professional environment where your child will feel comfortable and able to learn and develop to their full potential. We carefully plan activities and learning opportunities based around your child’s interests to help them develop in every area of the early years curriculum.
It is commonly said that ‘Children just play at Nursery’ and whilst this statement is true… it is not ‘just’ play.
Play gives children the opportunity to practice what they are learning… in fact whilst they are playing they are learning how to learn, building a firm foundation on which to carry their school life.
In nursery we use ‘In the moment planning’. The idea is to capture the interest of the child or children at that present moment and take their learning forward building upon their ideas. We chose 4 focus children a week and observe them closely, recording their learning on a focus sheet. The other children in the nursery are observed, and their ‘wow’ moments are recorded in their learning journey book.
Our routine
The children enter nursery and self-register, hang their coats up and go off to explore the nursery. Once all the children are in the doors are opened and the children have free flow between indoors and outdoors for the whole session.
During the session the children have access to their snack on a rolling basis so they can choose when they want to have it. This usually consists of milk and fruit. At the end of the session the children come together for a short time in key worker groups or as a whole nursery.
All children are encouraged to bring a water bottle, labelled with their name, so they have access to a drink for the whole session time they are in nursery.
Nursery places
We offer different types of sessions for your child’s 15 hour funded provision.
- Five half day sessions
morning sessions – 8.30am – 11.15pm
afternoon sessions – 12.15pm – 3.15pm
- 2 full days and a half day session
all-day Monday and Tuesday 9.00am – 3.00pm and Wednesday 8.45am – 11:45am
Wednesday 12.15am – 3.15pm and all-day Thursday and Friday 9.00am – 3.00pm
Flexible drop off times are from 8:30am to 8:45am in the morning. Flexible collection times are from 11.15am to 11.30am and 3pm to 3.15pm.
30 hours extended place
We offer 30-hour places if you are entitled to them. These are Monday to Friday 9.00am – 3.00pm. If you think you are entitled to this, visit ‘childcarechoices’ to obtain your 11-digit code. If your child stays all day, they can bring a healthy packed lunch or have a school dinner.