Miss Appleton and Mrs Davey are the Year 6 teachers and Mr Unsworth is the teaching assistant.
Year 6 is the final year in primary school before pupils make that exciting transition to their chosen secondary school. It is the year that allows children to further develop and consolidate their learning of the basic skills they have learnt throughout their school life.
Our pupils learn about nine exciting and challenging topics during this school year linked to science, history or geography. These can be viewed on the Topic Overview sheet. To maximise the opportunity that is provided to all our pupils, we offer ‘real-life’ experiences outside of school in the context of school visits. We feel this enhances children’s learning as well as helping to develop important social skills.
At Westlea Primary School, we feel it is invaluable for pupils to have the opportunity to experience a residential visit. Late in the Summer term, Year 6 pupils visit Kingswood for 3 days. This offers a fabulous outdoor activity adventure experience as well as considerably improving team building skills, social skills and independence.
Whilst in Year 6, pupils prepare themselves academically and emotionally for their SATs. This is a very challenging and stressful experience for all children although with the support and guidance of the school, pupils will always feel fully prepared. Our priority is to ensure that the pupils in our school are supported and challenged to the best of their ability to ensure they are well-equipped when the time comes for them to take these tests.
As well as working to their full potential during the school day, there are high expectations that pupils will follow this up at home by always completing their homework to the same standard. We feel a strong partnership between home and school is a key element in helping every child to succeed.
What do I need to remember in Year 6?