At Westlea Primary School, we believe that maths is essential to everyday life and provides a foundation for understanding the world around us. We want to ignite a sense of curiosity of maths in our children and create an enjoyment of the subject. Our aim in maths is to ensure that the children become fluent in the fundamentals, can reason mathematically and can solve problems by applying their learning to varied situations with confidence.
We have adopted the mastery approach to teaching and learning maths skills as we want our children to see that maths is an interconnected subject, making connections across the different areas to develop their fluency. We hope to unlock a passion for the subject, motivating the children to learn; encourage the children to believe that they can and will achieve in maths; and produce lifelong learners of the subject.
Click the image below to view our Maths overview.
Useful Websites
Numbots – for your child’s log in details, contact their teacher
TT Rockstars – for your child’s log in details, contact their teacher
Education City – for your child’s log in details, contact their teacher
Topmarks Maths Games
Hit the Button
Maths Zone
Primary Maths Games
Snappy Maths
BBC Bitesize – Key Stage 1
BBC Bitesize – Key Stage 2
Transum Maths Games